Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Their Way or the Highway

When studying these ancient civilizations with their complexities using little resources and knowledge and yet they built a world within a world in spite, it makes me wonder what kind of help they were getting. Nowadays we have the knowledge of many years, back then it could have just been trial and error or maybe the gods and goddesses offered a hand or two (or three?) to these first civilizations in order for them to build a society. Some of them took off and are marked in history for their discoveries and some barely made it off the ground to be recognized in history books. For those who left their imprint I salut their bravery but it arouses the questions of why they didn't survive? And, are we doomed?
Let's examine the Maya civilization of Mesoamerica. A people came together to create an intriquet mathematical system that aided in their astronomy efforts and calendars; A complex yet understandable written system; And, beautiful, elaborate structures for ceremonies and burials. They were extremely ahead of their time and yet for reasons unknown they fell out of existence. If an elaborate civilzation, based on gods, cannot make it I can only guess Mother Nature is to blame. But, did she ruin them in spite or is she untouchable and no matter how much praying one does. She will have her way.

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